Jessica Ballantyne’s Painting a Day for 30 Days- Day #25, Rapunzel

Jessica Ballantyne’s Painting a Day for 30 Days- Day #25, Rapunzel

Rapunzel- Inktense on canvas

Painting a day challenge number 25, only five more to go! This daily painting is called “Rapunzel”. Rapunzel was born out of flowey lines and a feeling of monumentality. She seems to tower over everything. Well that’s the impression I get of her:) So here is the whimsical “Rapunzel” in all her greenish blue glory, but first a short paragraph from the story of Rapunzel from the Brothers Grimm:

“Rapunzel grew into the most beautiful child under the sun. When she was twelve years old, the enchantress shut her into a tower in the middle of a forest. The tower had neither stairs nor door, but near the top was a little window. When the enchantress wanted to go in, she placed herself beneath it and cried:

‘Rapunzel, Rapunzel,
Let down your hair to me.’

Rapunzel had magnificent long hair, fine as spun gold, and when she heard the voice of the enchantress, she unfastened her braided tresses, wound them round one of the hooks of the window above, and then the hair fell twenty ells down, and the enchantress climbed up by it.” Rapunzel, Brothers Grimm


daily painting 25, painting a day, jessica ballantyne, jessica ballantyne's painting a day, Flower bloomed, female sexuality, female growth, female innocence, voluptuous, erotic, breasts, painting, inktense pencil, surreal body, colourful hair, amputated legs, long hair, rapunzel, many breasted, big ass, buttocks, fairy wings, flowing hair, painted hair


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Jessica Ballantyne’s Painting a Day for 30 Days- Day #21

Jessica Ballantyne’s Painting a Day for 30 Days- Day #21

Flower Bloomed

Daily painting number 21. Down to nine more artworks for the painting a day challenge! “Flower Bloomed” was a kind of automatic painting, I wasn’t really thinking about where it was going, but before I knew it I was seeing themes of growth and progression of the female body coupled with the ideology of youthful sexuality and innocence and a comparison of this growth to a “blooming flower”. So here is painting a day #21!

daily painting 21, painting a day, jessica ballantyne, jessica ballantyne's painting a day, Flower bloomed, female sexuality, female growth, female innocence, ideology of sexual innocence, erotic, breasts, painting, inktense pencil, surreal body, hibiscus flower, flower inbetween legs

To keep informed of exhibition dates please sign up to my newsletter or feel free to contact me via the contact page:)

Jessica Ballantyne’s Painting a Day for 30 Days- Day #22

Jessica Ballantyne’s Painting a Day for 30 Days- Day #22


I titled this painting for the daily painting challenge “Grasp”. I wanted to give the impression of a body unconfined, uncontrollable and disturbingly soft, unaffected by the lame attempts of the hands to grasp or keep it together. So this is “Grasp”, painting a day number 22 🙂

oozing bodies, dripping bodies, flesh art, Jessica Ballantyne, daily painting, painting a day, fleshy boulders, fleshy, boulders, magenta, pink, dark art, dark, surreal, disturbing, stones, stones on flesh, small scale painting, inktense painting,grasp, hands holding soft bodies


Like what you see? Sign up to my newsletter and I will let you know when I am exhibiting these!

A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #14

A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #14


Day number 14 for my painting a day challenge for 30 days is “Masking”, a painting based on the sold drawing with the same name. It was rather nice giving the image colour  (the drawing was mostly monotone in colour, apart from the masks). So here it is, daily painting number fourteen. The mask is inspired by a specific palm tree that grows in South Africa, the thorny leaves that fall from the tree always reminded me of some kind of creature:)

A painting a day, daily painting, surreal surreal body, surreal figure, dream figure, psychological painting, spychological compression, blue painting, cool painting, cold colours, many breasted, multiple boobs, many boobs, boob growths, sad face, sad painting, painted rocks, surreal landscape, surreal female figure, dark art, disturbing art, psychological art, african figure, african, african mask, nude female, animal mask, breasts, painted breasts


So that was day number 14 stay tuned for day number 15! Don’t miss out on any! Sign up to my newsletter and get them in your inbox once a week:)

A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #10

A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #10

Automatic painting 2

Day number 10 of the daily painting challenge! I decided to do an automatic painting, not with lines like Automatic Painting 1, but with colour, straight onto the canvas with no plan what so ever. Shapes and forms started to appear in this daily painting which did not really make sense, but now, every time I look at it I see something different:) This was the result of an automatic painting for the painting a day challenge:

Daily painting, painting a day, Jessica Ballantyne, Jessica Ballantyne Artist, automatic drawing, surrealist techniques, surreal, surrealism, distortion, automatic painting,abstract automatic painting, abstract figurative, suggestive artdistorted body, soft body, melting body, body abstraction, colour painting, contemporary artist, uk artists, south African artists

What do you see? Let me know in the comments!


A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #8

A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #8

Automatic Painting

Automatic drawing was invented and used by many of the surrealists as a means of expressing the subconscious. Thought to be freed from rational control, this method was supposed to give a peek into the individuals psyche, although most admitted that a combination of unconscious and conscious methods were used. In this painting I have started without a plan of sorts, just wet my brush with thin paint and started with lines. Since most of my work is figurative , a body always comes forth when I am doodling without thinking. At least that’s what I see. So here it is:

Daily painting, painting a day, Jessica Ballantyne, Jessica Ballantyne Artist, automatic drawing, surrealist techniques, surreal, surrealism, distortion, distorted body, soft body, melting body, body abstraction, line painting, contemporary artist, uk artists, south African artists

Daily painting, painting a day, Jessica Ballantyne, Jessica Ballantyne Artist, automatic drawing, surrealist techniques, surreal, surrealism, distortion, distorted body, soft body, melting body, body abstraction, line painting, contemporary artist, uk artists, south African artists

So go on and give automatic painting a try and post it to my Facebook page 🙂