Kleksograph: Online Magazine Devoted to Art and Poetry Exploring the Subconscious

Thrilled to have my painting accepted into the second edition of Kleksograph

I came across this very cool and very niche magazine online called Kleksograph which I immediately fell in love with. Not only is the magazine called “Kleksograph” and kleksography is the process of creating images using inkblots (which is what I’ve been exploring in the Animal in Me series) but it’s also full of gorgeous poetry and art that centers around the subconscious and subjectivity.

“Surely every work of art is informed by the subconscious? True, but most artists would contend that their work is mainly the result of conscious, rational decisions. Some writers though, draw their ideas from dreams. Franz Kafka, for example. The Klecksograph seeks to explore and celebrate art where the membrane between it and the subconscious is at its thinnest. ”

— Peter Van Belle

I was absolutely thrilled when I submitted Kissed Cracked Killed Clipped and got accepted into the second edition of The Kleksograph. The oil painting (featured below) was based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice and gets its title from a play I saw with a dear friend called “The Mask of Orpheus” written by Harrison Birtwistle and performed at the English National Opera. A line from the play that transfixed me was as Orpheus was lamenting the loss of Eurydice to the underworld. It forms the title of the painting: Kissed Cracked Killed Clipped. The voice of the performer as he said the lines was haunting and full of soul. I’ll never forget it! It was an epic and surreal performance, I’ve never really seen anything like it, I was so moved.

The painting started off as an inkblot which I then developed with layers of oil paint to produce a painting inspired by myth, animal symbology and the subconscious mind. It explores the longing, anger and disillusionment of a love torn apart by unforeseen circumstances, where animal nature and masks of the ego overwhelm the figures.

The magazine is free to download, I suggest taking a look at both editions, the first one is short and sweet and the second is full of stories and poetry and features my art.

Take a look at their website below and download the magazines, you will be in for a treat 🙂


Kissed Cracked Killed ClippedOil on canvas90cm diameterAvailable for sale, request detailsKissed Cracked Killed ClippedOil on canvas90cm diameterAvailable for sale, request details

Kissed Cracked Killed Clipped

Oil on canvas

90cm diameter

Available for sale, request details