Jessica Ballantyne’s A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #15

A Painting a Day for 30 Days – Day #15

Stanley- pen on canvas

Day number 15 of the daily painting challenge. This was going to be a painting and I may still add some painted bits when I have a moment to finish this piece properly. For now here is “Stanley”, a strange character who’s been swimming in my head for a few days. Hopefully before I exhibit all 30 of these daily paintings, I will have time to finish it off:)

Jessica Ballantyne, nude pencil, peaceful figure, feminist art, feminist drawing, erotic, surreal, feminine art, self love, disturbing art, dark art, different art, original pencil drawing,pencil techniques, contemporary artist, uk artists, Daily painting, painting a day, miniature painting, 7x5 painting, surreal figure with mask, masked figure, six breasted nude, female nude with six breasts, pen and ink, surreal drawing, multi-breasted, surreal figure, elephant, elephant in the palm of your hand, elephant in the room, seated figure


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